So in vet med you get to have some fun conversations with people because dogs are just going to do what comes natural to them.
Lady comes in with her 13 year landshark pomeranian that has an enlarged heart with a murmur that can be heard across the room. Bad news is that the little stinker came in because his hip was popped out of socket. I need to reduce this hip and put it back in the socket. However, this is usually done under sedation and here this little bitey dude already has 1 foot in the grave because of his heart.
I warn the owner that the dog could very easily die under anesthesia but that hip has to be fixed or he is going to be in pain probably longer than he will be alive. Owner ok’s the procedure. By miracle of miracles the hip pops right back where it belongs and the little piranha survives to bite another day.
As dogs are waking up from sedation they usually are pretty dazed and mellow.
This is the point where my staff run and get me and and they are like Doc you got to come see this dog! Of course in my head I am thinking, his heart has given out and he went to the great dog yard in the sky.
He literally wakes up and drags his geriatric, drugged out, leg just been fixed rear-end over to his dog bed and starts humping that thing like a jack hammer with an electrical short.
That little turd is making sweet love to a pile of fleece blankets with such ferocity that he proceeds to pop his hip back out of socket.
So now I have to call the owner and explain that we have to do the whole thing all over again. So if sedating horny humper once wasn’t bad enough now we are doing it again.
By miracle of miracle we sedate again and replace the hip again and wake him up again.
This time we put his hip and sling so he would have a much harder time popping it out again.
His mama comes to pick him up and I go over the after care info. During this she tells me that he has a special pillow at home that he has claimed as his and he will tear you up!