It’s Not Too Late
“It is not too late, you can still be a dentist.” My dad said these words to me as I was sitting beside him with my luggage packed, airplane ticket in hand.
“It is not too late, you can still be a dentist.” My dad said these words to me as I was sitting beside him with my luggage packed, airplane ticket in hand.
So there are those sweet mamas out there who hug and love on their kid when they drop them off at daycare. These moms reassure their little ones that everything will be ok and that it is going to be a great day. I am not that Mama.
Being a very precocious fellow, he quickly realized that I had taken my scalpel to this dogs privates and was in the process of removing them.
The horrified first grader asked, “What are you doing to him!?!?!”
If you have ever had anything waxed you know that there is a fine line between hot wax and third degree burns from lava being applied. OMG hot wax up my nose…
We have not spoken much about this case because of the heartbreak, frustration, and anger it causes. You may have a visceral response in seeing these pictures. But I hope that you also look at these pictures and you see love and trust.
So in vet med you get to have some fun conversations with people because dogs are just going to do what comes natural to them…
The fireworks and celebrations have a good chance of making your dog or cat terrified…
A year ago tonight, I did not sleep a wink. The culmination of years of school (and a boatload of student loans ), working myself to the bone, being 8 months pregnant, and taking a huge leap of faith were about to come together with the opening of Little Veterinary Services the very next day…