We have not spoken much about this case because of the heartbreak, frustration, and anger it causes. You may have a visceral response in seeing these pictures. But I hope that you also look at these pictures and you see love and trust.
It was 30 minutes until close. It had been a long long day. It had been a long week. Lost Ball Rescue called and said they had a crisis case but were an hour away. Could we stay and see it? Honestly, I wanted to go home and get off of my feet. But they never make a call like that unless there is something really bad wrong. I didn’t get the details but I told Jaimie Lou with Lost Ball to come on and we would there.
Jaimie Lou brought us this sad little black pup she had gotten in Tallulah from some kids who couldn’t help her. Starting at the top of her head and going down her back, we suspect some type of lighter fluid was poured down her back.
They lit her on fire.
This baby who will come up to anyone and give kisses, who trusted people, who is an innocent creature of God, was lit on fire just for fun.
Bile acid rose into my throat. My vision blurred red with anger. I could hear my heart pounding. Time stopped mattering. We had to help her. We had to give her relief.
My assistant said we had to name her Sarah because it was the perfect timing that Jaimie Lou was able to get to her, it was timing that those kids held her until she could get help, it was timing that Jaimie Lou got her to us so fast. Sarah had faith in God’s timing. This little black pathetic mess of a pup still had faith in people despite what had happened to her, she has such a sweet soul.
Sweet Sarah has had multiple procedures to scrape dead tissue off to allow healing to happen. We sedate her for this because it is excruciatingly painful to have open flesh cleaned and medicated. She still shows us so much love. She still has a road ahead of her but she is doing very very well.
So this is sweet Sarah. This is a dog that I refuse to remember because of her past but because her sweet love and hope for healing.
-Dr. Little.