So here is my PSA for the 4th of July.
I am going to break it down for you.
The fireworks and celebrations have a good chance of making your dog or cat terrified and they may break bad and try to out run what they think is the alien invasion.
Scenario 1
Your dog doesn’t end up smashed by a vehicle as it high tails it down the highway. Instead it gets picked up by a good Samaritan and brought to the shelter. Except the shelter is beyond max capacity. Yeah, if your pet is super cute and highly adoptable then it may get pulled out by a rescue in the nick of time and your dog is now a resident of Vermont. But do you know what happens to the huge majority of strays…they get put to sleep. That is the reality of it.
Scenario 2
Dog gets hit by vehicle. If it is not immediate death and you get lucky and it is just a few broken bones and dislocated joints, then you may be looking at thousands in vet bills. So then you get to tell the kiddos “hey guys, we can either go on the vacation we have been planning all year or we can try and save what’s left of Buddy our dog for the last 8 years who is little Johnny’s best friend”.
Scenario 3
You spend about $40 to take your dog to the vet and have the vet give them some sedatives and they basically sleep through the whole commotion and spends the next week hanging out with the kids because they are all grounded after little Johnny tried to shoot Roman candle fireworks at little Susie and accidentally burned down the shed. So you still are not going to Disney but at least the dog is happy.
So there you go. Better living through pharmacology.